Katy Perry Geeks Out for 'Last Friday Night' Video

Katy Perry did her best to look ridiculous for her star-packed new video for "Last Friday Night." The pop star goes from geek to glam '80s style complete with giant glasses, headgear and teased bangs while she parties with the likes of Kevin McHaleand Rebecca Black.

Katy (or rather Kathy Beth Terry as she's dubbed the character) wakes at up at the beginning of the video in a party-demolished room with a jock in her bed and a nerd duct taped to a chair as she recounts the events of "Last Friday Night." The plot is classic teen movie stuff as she plays a bookish girl just trying to study before she hits up the party next door. She looks out of place, but that's OK, because Rebecca Black is here to turn her into a hottie.

Katy has been working to get #KathyBethTerry trending on Twitter, and she even posted an extra video on her Vevo channel today introducing fans to the character. Check out the full "Last Friday Night" video below.

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